配合我国八月和九月独立日与马来西亚成立日的庆典活动,联课活动处于2021年7月31日为初一初二PBS课程举办了一场“我爱马来西亚” 常识问答比赛。祝贺所有获奖的同学!同学们将会获得一张电子证书,以及一份小礼物(将于复课后颁发),以资鼓励。
In anticipation of the Merdeka Celebration between August and September, the CCA Department has organised, “Saya Cinta Malaysia” Online Quiz, on 31st July 2021 during PBS lessons for ALL Junior One and Junior Two students. The winners will each receive a digital certificate and a small token (to be given upon resumption of physical class). Congratulations to all winners.
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