Introduction and Rules
- 沙巴崇正中学图书馆佔综合大楼的第三,第四和第五楼。每层面積占 3,780 平方尺,总面积為 11,340 平方尺。
- 图书馆共分借阅部,参考部及校史馆。
- 图书馆每层设有中央冷气系統,全馆可容纳座位有274个。
- 學生证遗失/破损,需向教务处登记处办理,否则一律不允許借书。借出图书如有损壞或遗失者,需以原价之三倍作赔偿。逾期归还图书者将接受罚款,逾期一天一角计算。
- 學生进入图书馆宜保持肃静,不妨碍他人阅读情緒,不守纪律者,则有请出馆外。上課期间必需穿整齐校服,假期期间必需穿著整齐。谢绝拖鞋,背心,短裤.一切手提电话不准带进馆內。
The library occupies the 2nd, 3rd & 4th floors of the Multipurpose Building with a total floor area of 11, 340sq.ft (3, 780sq.ft per floor). The library is centrally air-conditioned.
The 2nd floor accommodates the lending and periodical sections. There are 98 bays of doubled-faced book shelves, 20 chairs and 6 study tables on the 2nd floor. There are about 40 thousand collection of Malay, English and Chinese books. Several thousand new books are acquired annually. More than 1,500 books are issued per week. On average every student borrows one to two books per week.
The library can accommodate 274 users at a time.
It is a serious offence to mark and deface books. Any damage done to a book prior to issue must be reported to the library; otherwise the user may be held responsible for such damage on return. User is liable to pay triple the cost of a book if it is damaged or lost.
Fines are imposed on overdue books at the rate RM 0.10 per day. If user ignores repeated notification (e.g. one month from the due date), he or she will be penalized for the total number of days owing.
Silence and discipline are to be strictly observed within the library.
Mobile phones are strictly prohibited in the library.
Dress code is to be strictly observed when entering the library:
- wear full uniform during school hours
- wear presentable and neat clothing after school hours
- slippers, singlet and overly short pants are not allowed
设在第三楼。 全楼开放式让在校同学方便选借自己爱阅读的图书
图书馆总藏书华,国,英 约四万多册。每年皆有添购新书.图书馆也提供教育性质的光碟。
图书馆每层设有中央冷气系統。第三楼为借书部摆设双面书架98个, 阅读桌6张椅子20张, 阅览处10张可容纳四十二多位同学的座位沙发。
The library subscribes about 73 periodicals: Chinese periodical – 47 types, English periodicals – 14 types and Malay periodicals – 12 types. The books are divided into three main categories: reference, fiction and non-fiction, and in each category the books are arranged separately. Reference and non-fiction books are classified according to the Dewey decimal classification and arranged according to their classification numbers. The Lending Section was partially computerized on 17th January 2000.
The Reference Section is located on the 3rd floor. There are 38 bays of doubled-faced book shelves, 160 chairs and 16 study tables, 16 study carrels.
The School Heritage Centre is located on the 4t floor. It was officially launched on 1st August 2015.
Library Opening Hours
- 上午七時正至下午四時正
- 7:00 AM to 4:00 PM
- 上午七時正至中午十二時正
- 7:00 AM to 12:00 PM
- 上午七時正至下午四時正
- 7:00 AM to 4:00 PM
- 休馆
- Closed